Thursday, August 13, 2009

the latest

Here's all the stuff I wasn't quite self-indulgent enough to put on facebook lately:

- Book progress is slow, but ongoing. Finally nailed down the preface and all the underlying philosophical disagreements that my coauthors and I had. Drafted 1 and a half chapters so far.

- The design workshop we're organizing is going off like the 4th of July, though, it actually takes place in February. We have more big names coming than I even know how to be scared of.

- Favorite songs of the year so far:
1. Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Young Adult Friction
2. Dan Deacon - Build Voice
3. Dananananakroyd - Some Dresses
4. Future of the Left - Stand by / Your Manatee
5. Busdriver - Least Favorite Rapper
6. Japandroids - Young Hearts Spark Fire

In roughly the order of overall impact on my year, though I'm pretty hot on that Dananananakroyd song right this moment.