Saturday, January 12, 2008

the consumerist

i really like the consumerist and sources of similar stories. i don't know why, its not the sense of social justice when a company gets exposed or something gets fixed, i just like hearing about the horrors in the first place. think i mostly like the sordidness of things companies try to get away with. i like the tragedy and the indignity. it might be related to my DEEP LOVE of tales of epic failure. ill get to that some day.

1 comment:

thatothermitch said...

StumbleUpon only exposed me to individual articles from the consumerist and thus formed a skewed understanding of the tone of the site; I totally missed the humor. It definitely wins a place in my RSS reader.

For some reason it reminds me of the LiveJournal vintage ads community. Advertising hilariously illustrates how much culture changes over time.